It had been said many times before - did you transgress, did you do something stupid? - Be prepared to be punished for it. This guard still took pity on the blonde. First, he could have done harsher things to her, and second, he could have turned her in to the police after all this. Otherwise, he just fucked her and let her go.
Natalie| 52 days ago
I want to have sex too.
Aristarkh| 29 days ago
And that's a nice fat-ass lady on the dick playing with her buns! Quite a surprise to see her go at it. What can be said about fat-ass ladies?
It had been said many times before - did you transgress, did you do something stupid? - Be prepared to be punished for it. This guard still took pity on the blonde. First, he could have done harsher things to her, and second, he could have turned her in to the police after all this. Otherwise, he just fucked her and let her go.
I want to have sex too.
And that's a nice fat-ass lady on the dick playing with her buns! Quite a surprise to see her go at it. What can be said about fat-ass ladies?